The concerts at A.K.T; will take place as part of the About Pop Club and Showcase Festival 2024. We are delighted to welcome CULK and VALTAVA to A.K.T;.
CULK are a special band. The Viennese group led by Sophie Löw manages not to close its eyes to the world’s great dreariness and in its songs addresses an unease that is mostly bubbling under the surface. After their last album “Zerstreuen über Euch”, in which CULK addressed the socio-political inequalities between the sexes and the destructive hegemonic superiority of the patriarchy, they want to open a new chapter with their third album “Generation Maximum”: Sophie Löw’s lyrical song texts negotiate the discrepancy between, on the one hand, having supposedly fallen on the butter side of life in the “birth lottery” and, on the other hand, practically standing idly by as a world as we knew it (or perhaps only longed for it) comes to an end. Whether it’s the climate catastrophe, the electoral gains of right-wing anti-democratic parties, the widening gap between rich and poor or just your own personal hopeless struggles in your own precarious life.
But CULK also take you by the hand. They convey a feeling of hope in the dark, give you a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel without making any big promises. They act as companions and convey the feeling of not being alone with these worries: there are others who feel powerless in the face of great adversity. Where others stick to simple black and white lyrical painting, CULK don’t take it easy in their lyrics or their music. Their sound has long since freed itself from the narrow corset of the post-punk/shoegaze pigeonhole and, together with the precise lyrics, conveys an extraordinarily poetic power.
Valtava present themselves at the ABOUT POP FESTIVAL as a duo with a sound that has its roots in garage punk/rock. This is realised by Alexandra and Jannick with drums and bass without frills and with great pressure. The listener can expect an intense thunderstorm of sound and, as we know Valtava, musical surprises. Because one thing is certain, Valtava do not repeat themselves.
You can look forward to it and be excited.
There will also be the possbility to buy a Day-ticket for 38€ at the evening of the concert.