young rebellion
In view of the growing threats of environmental and economic crises, the corona pandemic, and the current conflict in Ukraine, in recent years, more and more young people have been raising their voices in order to be heard. Today’s youth movements have surprised and confronted those in power with valid, intelligent content and targeted action. With globally organized and sometimes radical protests, they put truly existential issues on the agenda; calling on politicians to counteract threats to their future such as the mismanagement of resources and the resulting climate problems, social inequality, and the unjust rule of law. Unfortunately, the responses they receive are often inadequate, overbearing or dismissive. There are many indications of a major generational conflict on the road to the future.
The exhibition “young rebellion” deals with the content of global youth movements and reflects their desire for social change.
Artistic direction: Janusz Czech, Lisa Schlenker (assistant)
Co-curator: Thomas Olze
Exhibition views
Maya Aroch
Benjamin Breitkopf
Samira Freitag
Daniel Goehr
Ilaria Igliani
Claudia Magdalena Merk
Petrol Girls
Arwin Alipour-Yeganeh
Oliver Zwink
with the following film contributions, i.a.:
“Never Again – Amerikas Jugend gegen den Waffenwahn”
by Sebastian Bellwinkel
Dokumentation über jungen Aktivismus
by Franz Böhm
“Sab changa si”
by Teresa A. Braggs
“UND JETZT WIR!” – Eine Generation schlägt Alarm
by Susanne Erler
„Aufschrei der Jugend – Fridays for Future Inside“
by Kathrin Pitterling
virtual tour
Theaterstraße 21, 75175 Pforzheim
Artistic director: Janusz Czech
07231 393750
Wirtschaft und Stadtmarketing Pforzheim, Fachbereich Kreativwirtschaft
Emma-Jaeger-Straße 20, 75175 Pforzheim
Press contact:
Alexandra Vogt
07231 391874