An essential feature of democratic emancipation was and is the fight for gender equality and against existing norms. Many of the rights that have been hard-won over decades are now being called into question – threatened by a seemingly reinvigorated patriarchy and a radicalized political culture. People in politics, political initiatives or ideological interest groups are forcing a social discourse that aims to restrict women’s self-determination – whether by interfering with reproductive rights or by adhering to traditional gender roles and images.

Many of today’s challenges – such as unbalanced representation in the legislature – have their roots in the past. Nevertheless, for many, the solution seems to lie in a return to outdated values and role models. This is reflected, among other things, in a misguided family policy that has failed to promote true equality and a balanced demographic development. As a result, the female body is increasingly being politically instrumentalized, while the pressure to conform to traditional role models and subordinate oneself is growing.

The exhibition NOT YOUR CHOICE! presents contemporary artistic positions that deal with the topics of equality, self-determination and gender roles – and thus reflect one of the central social discourses of our time.

April, 5 to July, 6

Opening hours:

Fri & Sat 2-7 pm, Sun 11am-7pm


Edna Al-Najar,
Katrin Bertram,
Gabi Blum,
Frauke Boggasch,
Lydia Daher,
Samira Freitag,
Susi Gelb,
Franzis Kabisch,
Kollektiv „Der kleine Container“,
Rafał Milach,
Amanda Palmer,
Mētra Saberova,
Stephanie Sarley,
Joanna Szproch